I’ve climbed countless metastatic stairs, leaving my cell in turmoil behind me. I turned around on the infinite stairs to behold the storm I had sown. Fast expanding architectural tentacles were digesting the platforms I had crossed, smothering them under strata of concrete…


Alors, notre seigneur aux cent voix synchrones s’éleva sur la plaine de plomb. En peu de temps, son souffle se mit à s’épancher et son cœur à battre au rythme du monde. Il tournait sur lui-même sans que ses neuf yeux ne se referment. Neuf sont les seuils et neuf les rouages du système subsomatique, et ils apparurent sous sa peau, roulant lourdement en leur firmament fibreux, à l’image des astres éteints.


Then our lord with the hundred synchronized voices rose from the leaden plain. In moments he was breathing and his heart beat to the pulse of the world. He began his rotation and never his nine eyes did close. Nine are the thresholds and nine the cogs of the subsomatic system, and they appeared beneath his skin, rolling heavily in their fibrous welkin like dead stars.


Alors que l’Enterode, que d’autres nomment Saint-Arkxi, n’était encore qu’un enfant muet, replié sur lui-même dans sa cellule souterraine, son père, qui était un homme sage, vint s’adresser à lui. Lui caressant doucement la tête, et un regard aimant dans les yeux, il lui dit ce qui suit :


While the Enterode, known to some a Saint-Arkxi, was but a mute, introverted child, confined to is subterranean cell, his father, who was wise man, came to him. his eyes filled with love, he softly caressed his head and spoke these words…


[Dormeur STH401772
Capteur 058 : constante stables. Capteur 060 : constantes stables.
Cycle continu – stase ininterrompue.]

Une plaine de plomb invariable, à perte de vue. De lourdes plaques noires encastrées, répétées à l’infini…


[Sleeper STH401772
Sensor 058: constant – stable. Sensor 060: constant – stable
Continuous cycle – uninterrupted stasis.]

An unchanging plain of lead, as far as the eye can see. Heavy, black plates stretching out in all directions…